5 Acupressure points to combat WFH “tech neck”

5 Acupressure points to combat WFH “tech neck”

Working from home is great in many ways - zero commute, the ability to wear sweatpants all day, etc. But it has drawbacks in terms of posture and ergonomics, especially if you end up working from the couch by the end of the day. Over time poor posture can lead to what is known as Upper Cross Syndrome, which basically means your shoulder, upper back, chest and neck muscles are out of balance, likely leading to tight muscles, pain, and possibly tension headaches. Here are five of my favorite acupressure points to release tension in your neck and shoulders and relieve tension headaches.

Meet your acupuncturist: Liana Allen, LAc, MAcOM

Meet your acupuncturist: Liana Allen, LAc, MAcOM

Meet Liana Allen, LAc, MAcOM, who has been practicing at Turning Pointe for two years. She has expertise in musculoskeletal conditions and loves cupping therapy. Acupuncture has changed her life in many different ways, and she’s hoping it can do the same for you.

Sunday appointments now available with Acupuncturist Liana Allen!

Sunday appointments now available with Acupuncturist Liana Allen!

We are so happy to offer weekend appointments again! It is a wonderful way to decompress and take time for yourself with no distractions to focus on healing. We are lucky to be bringing acupuncturist Liana Allen to our team.