Adrenaline, often called the “fight or flight” hormone, is produced by the adrenal glands, which are two small glands that sit on top of your kidneys and help the body respond to stress. There are two reasons for adrenaline to be released: one is in response to stress, and the other is to ensure that the brain has received enough sugar (glucose). The body uses adrenaline as an aid to create an increase in glucose from protein, as well as stimulate the release of glucose stored in the liver. However, as glucose releases, so does insulin. Over time, sustained high levels of stress can lead to adrenaline dominance, which has a negative impact on health.
Natural Ways to Boost your Immune System...before Cold & Flu Season
Interview with Portland Wellness Week
Natural Remedies for Spring Allergy Relief
Allergy season has arrived in Portland - along with itchy eyes, congestion, headaches and more. While prescription and over the counter medications can help, many come with unwanted side effects like dry mouth and drowsiness. Also, as many allergy sufferers can attest to, oftentimes medications alone don’t fully solve the symptoms. That is where natural remedies can come be utilized, as either a complementary therapy or primary therapy depending on the individual.