chronic pain

Sunday appointments now available with Acupuncturist Liana Allen!

Sunday appointments now available with Acupuncturist Liana Allen!

We are so happy to offer weekend appointments again! It is a wonderful way to decompress and take time for yourself with no distractions to focus on healing. We are lucky to be bringing acupuncturist Liana Allen to our team.

Self Care Tips for Low Back Pain

Self Care Tips for Low Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work in the United States. Whether acute or chronic, low back pain gets in the way of your ability to be as active and productive as you want to be. Here are some self-care strategies from a Chinese medicine perspective that you can integrate into your daily routine. 

FAQ - Does my insurance cover acupuncture?

FAQ - Does my insurance cover acupuncture?

Good news - the answer is yes in many cases! Most major insurance plans in Oregon do cover acupuncture for pain and other health issues. And you typically don't need a referral. Most insurance plans start over January 1st --- so if you've been curious about acupuncture, now is a great time to use your allowed visits before they run out.