Ease the Symptoms of Insomnia with Acupuncture

Ease the Symptoms of Insomnia with Acupuncture

A 2004 study published in the Journal of Neuropsychiatry Clinical Neuroscience explored the relationship between acupuncture to insomnia and anxiety. After participating in a five-week acupuncture treatment, participants in the study had an increase in the amount of melatonin in their bodies. Melatonin is a sleep hormone that helps trigger the onset of sleep and keeps you stay asleep through the night. Participants in the study slept longer and woke less often during the night.

What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?

What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?

Cosmetic acupuncture has begun to catch on in the beauty and anti-aging realms, with some even calling it the "Acu-Facelift". This centuries-old treatment can do wonders for your complexion. Many are turning to these services as a safe alternative to botox or other more invasive treatments. 

A New Home for Turning Pointe Acupuncture

A New Home for Turning Pointe Acupuncture

I am so excited to announce that my dream of bringing Turning Pointe Acupuncture to its new home in the Mt. Tabor neighborhood is now a reality. The new clinic space is housed in a historic mid-century modern building that has been in operation as a neighborhood medical clinic since 1947. A beloved chiropractor and naturopathic doctor saw nearly 80 patients per day and delivered hundreds of babies over the years. The clinic's original doctor even performed minor surgeries on-site!

FAQ - Does my insurance cover acupuncture?

FAQ - Does my insurance cover acupuncture?

Good news - the answer is yes in many cases! Most major insurance plans in Oregon do cover acupuncture for pain and other health issues. And you typically don't need a referral. Most insurance plans start over January 1st --- so if you've been curious about acupuncture, now is a great time to use your allowed visits before they run out. 

Why you should add acupuncture to your training routine

Why you should add acupuncture to your training routine

More and more athletes, from professional football players, to olympic swimmers, to marathon runners, are adding acupuncture to their training and recovery regimens. Read below for 5 reasons why you should try acupuncture as you prepare for your next race or amp up your workout routine.